Carolina ChiroCare and Rehab Newsletters
Nature’s Cycles – And Why Low Back Pain is Worse in the AM
This time of year drives tens of thousands of people into the mountains of the northeast and other forested areas. Travelers spend a few weekend days seeing the turning of leaves and the seas of reds, oranges and yellows covering the hillsides and mountains.
Typically we associate the cycle of life with the spring season and the rebirth of everything green. Bunnies, flowers and leaf buds are the symbols of nature’s annual re-birth.
What DO You DO When You Are Feeling Good?
A lesson you learn working in a chiropractic office is that people are motivated by pain.
You have likely experienced this yourself.
A problem arises, seems relatively minor, and gets no attention – until it gets worse, and worse, and worse, and DEMANDS your ATTENTION with PAIN.
When You Feel Weak
Being weak isn’t just about a certain level of strength. About not having big muscles, like Arnold Schwarzenegger, or NFL football players. And it’s not about combat, like a tough UFC fighter, or a competitive collegiate wrestler.
Design Your Recovery
The healing process involves a lot of steps. Making calls, setting appointments, getting help. You can probably remember yourself at that point or can think of a friend or loved one facing it now. Next, there is finding out what is the problem (and what caused it), and what you need to change to get better.
Balance Is The Key
Life is a balancing act. Chiropractors recognize that there is a balancing act between different forces on us both from outside and inside of our bodies. A fascinating aspect of our bodies is that there are forces that build our body up and forces that break us down.
Hypo and Hyper Movement
Chiropractors have a unique skill in the world of health care. Unique in that it is not found in any other area of health care or practitioner.
Practitioners of all sorts may assess movement, strength, and pain, but there is one thing they do not do. Outside of chiropractors, that is.