Carolina ChiroCare and Rehab Blog

How to Manage Low Back Pain: Top 5 Strategies

How to Manage Low Back Pain: Top 5 Strategies

HOW TO MANAGE LOW BACK PAIN: TOP 5 STRATEGIES For millions of people, low back pain is not only a common annoyance but a chronic medical condition that has a major impact on well being and overall health. Loss of sleep, pain playing with the kids at home, and working through the busy day with…

Can Chiropractors Treat Tension Headaches?

Can Chiropractors Treat Tension Headaches?

Can Chiropractors Treat Tension Headaches? Headaches can cause a very significant change in one’s quality of life. Activities, like being productive at work or school, enjoying family time, social interactions with friends, and participating in sporting and recreational activities, can often be negatively impacted when someone suffers from chronic tension headaches. The pain from headaches can…

Headache Relief Treatments: Some Interesting Facts:

Headache Relief Treatments: Some Interesting Facts:

HEADACHE RELIEF TREATMENTS: SOME INTERESTING FACTS: Did you know that headache treatment is one of the top reasons for visits to chiropractic offices around the country? Patients suffering from headaches often have associated neck pain, upper back pain, tension, tightness, and dysfunction. Often times, this pain and dysfunction originates from dysfunctions in the spine and…

Chronic Low Back Pain Treatment

Chronic Low Back Pain Treatment

CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN TREATMENT Low back pain is a very common problem. Approximately 80% of us experience low back pain at some point in our lives. And, 25% of adults have had lower back pain in the recent past. Low back pain affects women and men equally and is the leading cause of work-related…

Most Common Running Injuries, And Their Treatment

Most Common Running Injuries, And Their Treatment

MOST COMMON RUNNING INJURIES, AND THEIR TREATMENT Many assume chiropractors only crack backs and necks. If you do too, you’re not alone. However, this is a misconception. Chiropractors are trained to treat a variety of musculoskeletal conditions, to help battle injuries, to optimize athletic performance and prevent injury, and to enhance recovery in runners. In…

Sports Injury Treatment: Why You Should Consider A Chiropractor

Sports Injury Treatment: Why You Should Consider A Chiropractor

SPORTS INJURY TREATMENT: WHY YOU SHOULD CONSIDER A CHIROPRACTOR in Raleigh NC When it comes to sports injuries, chiropractors in Raleigh NC provide healthcare services with many beneficial outcomes and treatments. Chiropractors have an understanding of the body’s biomechanical principles, and not only treat sports injuries, but focus their practices on injury prevention, functionality, stability,…