Y Strap Chiropractic Adjustment in Raleigh NC
What is the Y Strap chiropractic adjustment in Raleigh NC?
Carolina ChiroCare and Rehab are Chiropractors in Raleigh NC that use the Y Strap chiropractic adjustment technique. The Y Strap technique is an axial adjustment of the vertebrae that uses a traction device(strap). The Y-Strap chiropractic tool is placed around the base of the skull while the clinician gently pulls the strap in a superior direction.
How does the Y Strap work?
The Y Strap adjustment axially releases the upper vertebrae in the spine and occiput (base of the skull) from the Atlas (1st vertebrae in the spine). This top area of the spine around the Atlas and Occiput is surrounded by sensitive nerves, muscles and ligaments that when inflamed can cause medical conditions such as headaches, neck pain, pinched nerves, and vertigo.
In some cases the Chiropractor is able to utilize a Y-Strap chiropractic adjustment on segments below the neck in the upper mid and low back. This Chiropractic adjustment is different from traditional chiropractic adjustments that use rotational forces or torque to manipulate the vertebrae.
The Y Strap technique adjusts vertebrae in the spine axially or up from down vertically. This has a decompressive effect and may help with pinched nerves in the spine or bulging and herniated discs. Compression in the spine in many cases is the underlying cause of neck and back pain. Y Strap decompression provides a manual decompressive force into the vertebrae in an attempt to axially decompress the spine providing an increase in space.
What conditions may respond well to the chiropractic Y Strap technique help in Raleigh NC?
The same conditions helped by Chiropractors will typically respond to the Y Strap as well. This included:
- Tension and migraine headaches
- Neck pain
- Pinched nerves
- Bulging and herniated discs
- Vertigo
- Pinched nerves
- Upper back pain
- In some cases shoulder pain
Is the Y Strap chiropractic adjustment safe?
In most cases the Y Strap chiropractic is safe. Your Raleigh NC Chiropractor should screen you properly for any contraindications to cervical manipulations. Some common contraindications include Rheumatoid Arthritis, vertebral fracture, history of stroke or TIA, known cancer of the spine, advanced Osteoporosis and Osteopenia.
The screening may include imaging such as X-rays, MRI or CT scan along with your medical history and examination.
How do I see a Y Strap Chiropractor near me?
Our Raleigh NC Chiropractor Dr. Jeffrey Gerdes offers the Y Strap chiropractic adjustment. You may be a candidate for this treatment if you are suffering from muscle pain, tension or migraine headaches, neck pain, pinched nerves, bulging and herniated discs, vertigo, pinched nerves, upper back pain, in some cases shoulder pain.
You will be screened properly to determine if you may be a candidate for care using the Y Strap. Our office has digital X Ray on site and Dr. Gerdes is credentialed in MRI interpretation of the spine if a MRI is needed.
Dr. Gerdes is a sworn expert in chiropractic medicine in Wake County and North Carolina. He believes in the Y Strap treatment option after seeing many of his patients who had failed other treatments oftentimes for years get results.
Please contact our office for an appointment to learn more.
Carolina ChiroCare provides Y strap chiropractic adjustment specialist services in the Raleigh area, including Cary NC.
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
10:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Carolina ChiroCare and Rehab